UHS Class Action Lawsuit 2022


What is the UHS Class Action Lawsuit 2022?

In 2022, Universal Health Services (UHS), one of the largest hospital and healthcare service providers in the United States, was involved in two class action lawsuits.

The first lawsuit alleged that UHS violated the False Claims Act by billing for medically unnecessary inpatient behavioral health services, failing to provide adequate and appropriate services, and paying illegal inducements to federal healthcare beneficiaries. The lawsuit was filed by whistleblowers, and UHS settled the case for $122 million in December 2022.

The second lawsuit alleged that UHS violated ERISA by making imprudent investment choices and charging excessive fees in its 401(k) plan. The lawsuit was filed by former employees, and UHS settled the case for $12.5 million in September 2022.


The UHS class action lawsuits of 2022 are a reminder that even large and powerful corporations can be held accountable for their actions. The settlements in these cases will help to ensure that patients receive the care they need and that employees are protected from financial harm.


Q: What is a class action lawsuit?

A: A class action lawsuit is a lawsuit filed by one or more individuals on behalf of a larger group of people, known as the class. Class action lawsuits are often used when a large number of people have been harmed by the same defendant, such as a corporation.

Q: Who was involved in the UHS class action lawsuits of 2022?

A: The UHS class action lawsuits of 2022 were filed by whistleblowers and former employees, respectively. The defendants in both cases were UHS and its subsidiaries.

Q: What were the allegations in the UHS class action lawsuits?

A: The first lawsuit alleged that UHS violated the False Claims Act by billing for medically unnecessary inpatient behavioral health services, failing to provide adequate and appropriate services, and paying illegal inducements to federal healthcare beneficiaries. The second lawsuit alleged that UHS violated ERISA by making imprudent investment choices and charging excessive fees in its 401(k) plan.

Q: How were the UHS class action lawsuits resolved?

A: Both of the UHS class action lawsuits were settled in 2022. The first lawsuit settled for $122 million, and the second lawsuit settled for $12.5 million.

Q: What are the implications of the UHS class action lawsuits?

A: The UHS class action lawsuits are a reminder that even large and powerful corporations can be held accountable for their actions. The settlements in these cases will help to ensure that patients receive the care they need and that employees are protected from financial harm.

Q: What can I do if I was affected by the UHS class action lawsuits?

A: If you were affected by the UHS class action lawsuits, you may be eligible to receive compensation. You should contact the administrator of the class action settlement for more information.


  • Universal Health Services, Inc. Settles False Claims Act Allegations for $117 Million: https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/universal-health-services-inc-pay-117-million-settle-false-claims-act-allegations
  • Universal Health Loses Bid to Undo 60,000-Person 401(k) Class: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/employee-benefits/universal-health-loses-bid-to-undo-60-000-person-401k-class)
  • Universal Health Services Finalizes $122M Settlement: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals/universal-health-services-officially-finalizes-122m-settlement-doj
  • Universal Health Services to pay $12.5 million to settle ERISA complaint: https://www.pionline.com/courts/universal-health-services-pay-125-million-settle-erisa-complaint


  1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Health_Services
  2. www.cchrint.org/2020/07/20/uhs-for-profit-psych-hos

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