Truvada Lawsuit Update 2023


As of October 2023, thousands of lawsuits have been filed against Gilead Sciences, the manufacturer of Truvada, alleging that the drug caused serious side effects, including bone loss and kidney damage.

What is Truvada?

Truvada is a combination of two antiretroviral drugs, emtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). It was approved by the FDA in 2004 for the treatment of HIV infection and in 2012 for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in high-risk individuals.

What are the allegations in the Truvada lawsuits?

Plaintiffs in the Truvada lawsuits allege that Gilead knew about the risks of bone loss and kidney damage associated with TDF, but failed to adequately warn patients and doctors. They also allege that Gilead marketed Truvada for PrEP even though there were safer and more effective options available.

What is the status of the Truvada lawsuits?

The Truvada lawsuits are still in the early stages of litigation. There have been no settlements or jury verdicts yet. However, there have been some significant developments in the case.

In February 2019, a California state court judge allowed plaintiffs’ claims to move forward. In October 2023, a federal court judge in California ruled that Gilead cannot avoid design defect and warning-related claims in the federal court litigation.

What are the potential outcomes of the Truvada lawsuits?

If plaintiffs are successful in the Truvada lawsuits, they could be awarded significant damages. The outcome of the lawsuits could also have a major impact on the pharmaceutical industry and the way that drugs are marketed and sold.


Q: What are the symptoms of bone loss and kidney damage?

A: Symptoms of bone loss can include bone pain, fractures, and decreased bone density. Symptoms of kidney damage can include fatigue, swelling in the feet and ankles, and changes in urination.

Q: Who is at risk for bone loss and kidney damage from Truvada?

A: Anyone who takes Truvada is at risk for bone loss and kidney damage. However, the risk is higher for people who take Truvada for long periods of time, people who have other medical conditions, and people who are older.

Q: What should I do if I am taking Truvada and am concerned about bone loss or kidney damage?

A: If you are taking Truvada and are concerned about bone loss or kidney damage, talk to your doctor. Your doctor can monitor your bone health and kidney function and recommend ways to reduce your risk of side effects.

Q: Can I file a Truvada lawsuit?

A: If you have suffered bone loss or kidney damage as a result of taking Truvada, you may be able to file a lawsuit against Gilead Sciences. To find out if you qualify, contact an experienced Truvada lawyer.

Q: What are the potential damages in a Truvada lawsuit?

A: If you are successful in a Truvada lawsuit, you may be awarded damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.

Q: How long will it take for the Truvada lawsuits to be resolved?

A: It is difficult to say how long it will take for the Truvada lawsuits to be resolved. Complex product liability cases can take years to resolve.


The Truvada lawsuits are still in the early stages of litigation. However, the case has the potential to have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry and the way that drugs are marketed and sold. If you have suffered bone loss or kidney damage as a result of taking Truvada, you may be able to file a lawsuit against Gilead Sciences.


  • Truvada Lawsuit:
  • Truvada Lawsuit:
  • Miller & Zois: Truvada Product Liability Lawsuit:

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